THINK! Christmas Drink Drive


man looking shocked

This Christmas we want to encourage young men to step in when their mate is tempted to drink drive.

Mates are highly influential in young peoples lives and we want to embrace this influence to tackle drink drivers, by encouraging mates to intervene, at a time when drink driving is at it’s peak.

We are producing three new videos showing how mates go out of their way to look out for each other to ensure they don’t drink and drive. This content will run on social media and online video platforms in the run up to Christmas.

Our research showed many young men felt awkward about intervening when a mate was intending to drive after drinking. Our content will use humour to encourage young men to step in and speak up.

Our key campaign message will be:

A mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive.

Get involved 

If you would like to help spread our message. We will be making all campaign materials available on our website, so you can download them easily and use them on your social channels. Access details to these resources will be sent out to all stakeholders who have signed up to receive stakeholder news. If you would like to receive this information please sign up here.

Future campaigns

We will launch our New Driver campaign in early 2019. With one in five drivers crashing in their first year we want to raise awareness of the vulnerabilities new drivers face and provide them with useful tips to learn the ways of the road.

Keep an eye out for more information in the new year.