Lesson 6: Small changes

This pack contains everything you need for lesson pack 6.

Students will understand  the benefits of sustainable travel, alongside the ways of how to do so safely. Many students will have thought about how they can improve their travel, to make it more sustainable to benefitt them, their families and their local communities.

Students will also work on school campaigns to encourage others to make more sustainable choices about travelling to and from school.

This is lesson plan 6.

Learning Objectives

1. I know how to travel safely independently and understand the benefits of sustainable travel.

This pack contains everything you need for lesson plan 6, Small changes.

This pack contains everything you need for lesson plan 1, Stepping stones to road safety.

Lesson objectives:

  • To develop familiarity with the Stop, Look, Listen and Think sequence.
  • To know that pedestrians walk on the pavement and vehicles travel on the road.
  • To know how to walk safely with a grown up and hold hands when walking near the road.

This pack contains everything you need for lesson plan 5, Roads away from home.

Learning objectives

  • I know how to keep safe on the road when on holiday
  • I know how to walk safely with a grown up and hold hands when walking near the road
  • I know how to behave when I travel in a car or a bus

Safer journeys anthem

In this lesson, school children learn the Safer Journeys anthem.

To download, click here which will take you to Vimeo’s website. From there, simply click on the ‘Download’ button.

Use these resources to teach pupils the song:

The Safer Journey anthem is also available with Welsh subtitles this is shown below. If you wish to download this version, click here again this will take you to Vimeo’s website. From, there simply click on the “Download” button.

In this lesson, your pupils will extend their road safety skills to think about how they can travel safely in the dark and when it’s hard to see. A range of activities will encourage better knowledge of the importance of reflective and high vis features of clothing/bikes and scooters. This is lesson plan 2.

For this lesson, you will need:

Lesson objectives:

  1. I know how to help others see me in the dark.
  2. I know how to ride a bike/scooter and cycle/scoot safely.
  3. Understanding why it is important to be bright and be seen.

In this lesson, pupils will share learning with parents, teachers are encouraged to reflect on the learning that has taken place through all road safety activities. This is lesson plan 6.

For this lesson you will need:

Learning objectives

  • I know how to walk safely and hold hands with a grown up when walking near, or when crossing, a road
  • I know how to behave when I travel in a car or a bus
  • I know why I need a child car seat when I travel in a car
  • I know how to ride a bike or scooter and cycle or scoot safely